[:en]Vicky Colbert, founder and director of Fundación Escuela Nueva was invited to speak at the RISE (Research on Improving Systems of Education) Conference at the Center for Global Development in Washington D.C.
The two-day conference was “an opportunity to explore and exchange ideas related to educational systems research.” Topics discussed ranged from school autonomy, competition, and management to implementing reforms.
Vicky shared a brief history of the Escuela Nueva model as well as the impact it has had in Colombia and other countries. According to Vicky, “You need to work with governments to have an impact in coverage, but you need the role of the private sector and civil society for quality and sustainability.”
Vicky also advised that, “More of the same is not enough. We need a paradigm shift from transition of knowledge to social construction of knowledge.”
To view the video recording of the event click http://www.cgdev.org/event/improving-education-systems-conference-0[:]
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